Boutique Travel: Your Antarctic Air Cruise

No rough sea passage, quick, be within 2 hours in the Last Continent and make the most out of your Antarctic Expedition

Your next Antarctic Air Cruise

At Polar Cruises, we offer you an alternative to the 2-day sail that you usually have to endure across the rough seas of the Drake Passage. With our selection of boutique style expedition to Antarctica, we offer you the alternative to include a quick 2 hour flight to and from Antarctica. Thus, allowing you to skip seasickness by crossing the Drake Passage. Once you arrive, we will board you in our expedition ship to embark you on your new Antarctic Adventure. No stormy crossing, no rocky waters, no sea-sickness: a true comfortable, cozy and boutique experience
Air Cruises
Air Cruises

Fly to Antarctica


Before air cruises, travelers to Antarctica who wanted to reach the Antarctic Peninsula had to embark on a 4 day sail across the Drake Passage that would take them to the seventh continent. Through air cruises, travellers are able to skip the roughness and enjoy your Adventure.

Undoubtedly, one of the most tough parts of travelling to the Antarctia Peninsula is the crossing of Drake Passage which separates Antarctica, or also known as the Seventh Continent, from South America. Through our air cruises, our two hour flight takes you directly to Punta Arenas, which is the international pick up point to the Chilean Patagonia. Once you arrive, we will then embark the expedition ship.