Ortelius | Antarctica Expedition Ship


It is a ice-strengthened ship that's ideal for Arctic and Antarctica polar cruises. The ship has an ice class of high and is able to navigate through solid sea ice for one year and in loose pack ice over a period of several years. It can accommodate 108 people and has comfortable cabins. The ship is crewed by an experienced team that includes a hotel staff, a medical doctor, and members of the nautical crew.

With two restaurants, an open deck, and a lecture/bar room, the Ortelius is a hotel-standard vessel. These voyages have been designed to provide passengers with an exploratory wildlife experience, and have a strong focus on spending time at land. A limited number of guests on board the Ortelius provides maximum flexibility for wildlife viewing.

The Ortelius offers a flexible and comfortable experience to passengers interested in wildlife and remote areas.

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Antarctica Cruise


11 Days
Beagle Channel | Ushuaia |  Antarctica
Antarctica - Discovery And Learning Voyage
You will visit iconic places such as Neko Harbour and Paradise Bay. Port Lockroy is also included in this 11-day Antarctica expedition. See amazing wildlife such as penguins and seals.
14 Days
 | Falkland | Penguins Colony
Antarctica - Polar Circle - Deep South Discovery Voyage
The 14-day Antarctic Expedition includes Cuverville Island and the Lemaire Channel as well as Crystal Sound, Petermann & Pleneau Islands, Neko Harbor, Crystal Sound and Petermann & Pleneau Islands.
10 Days
Liefdefjorden | Spitsbergen |  Antarctica
Around Spitsbergen - In The Realm Of Polar Bear & Ice
Explore Spitsbergen and Svalbard in search of wildlife, including polar bears, Walruses and more. Experience the geology, landscape and history of the Arctic.
13 Days
Beagle Channel | Ushuaia |  Antarctica
Antarctica - Basecamp
The 13-day Antarctica expedition offers the chance to see breathtaking landscapes and wildlife. This includes sailing along Beagle Channel and visiting an ex-British research station. It also involves kayaking through channels filled with glaciers and sleeping in Paradise Bay.
20 Days
 | Falkland | Black-browed Albatross
Falkland Islands - South Georgia - Antarctica
The Falkland Island, South Georgia and Antarctica are all included in this 19-day trip. You will be able to see king penguins and elephant seals as well as wandering albatrosses and king penguins.
11 Days
 | Cierva Cove | Leopard Seal
Weddell Sea - In Search Of The Emperor Penguin, Incl. Helicopters
You can view 4,000 Emperors in the south of Snow Hill Island from the helicopter of m/v Ortelius. Heavy ice may block the Weddell Sea, and the ice at the rookery might melt earlier than expected.