Antarctic Explorer Express

Antarctic Explorer Express

The Antarctic Explorer Express is the younger sibling of the full Antarctic Explorer voyage, offering a more condensed itinerary. While it might seem like a luxury to take a swift journey to Antarctica, it's an ideal option for travelers with limited time. By taking a flight across the Drake Passage in at least one direction and spending a shorter duration on the Antarctic Peninsula, these expeditions are designed for those in search of a speedy adventure to the icy continent. You can experience Zodiac excursions to discover the rugged coastlines, where the chance of encountering inquisitive whales is a delightful surprise.

Day by day

Day 1 : Ushuaia

Upon your arrival in Ushuaia, a representative will be there to greet you and arrange transportation to your designated pre-voyage hotel, along with your fellow expeditioners. If you're already in Ushuaia, please make your way to your hotel. Check-in is available from 3:00 pm. Later in the day, between 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm, stop by the hospitality desk located in the lobby at Las Hayas Ushuaia Resort, Luis Fernando Martial 1650, to pick up your luggage tags and confirm your interest in participating in the Beagle Channel and Isla de Los Lobos Cruise (sea lion island) scheduled for the following day. The team at the desk will provide you with embarkation details, answer any inquiries you may have, and offer information on dining options or where to purchase any last-minute items.

For expeditioners arriving after 7:00 pm, a welcome pack will be waiting for you at check-in. We kindly request that you visit the hospitality desk between 8:00 am and 10:00 am the following day.

The rest of the day is yours to enjoy at your leisure, and all meals today are at your own expense.

Your assigned accommodations include either Las Hayas Ushuaia Resort or Los Acebos Ushuaia Hotel.

Day 2 : Embarkation

In the morning, savor your breakfast and complete the check-out process. It's essential to attach cabin tags with your name and cabin number to your cabin luggage. Please bring your cabin luggage to the hotel reception either before or at check-out. Your luggage will be securely stored and then directly transferred to the port for clearance, ensuring it's placed in your cabin before you board the vessel. Keep any valuable items and personal belongings with you throughout the day.

The morning is yours to explore Ushuaia at your own pace.

For those interested in joining the afternoon catamaran cruise, please reconvene in the hotel lobby at 12.45 pm, prepared for a transfer to the port at 1.00 pm. During this cruise, we'll set sail on the Beagle Channel, heading towards the iconic Les Eclaireurs Lighthouse. As we navigate through the Bridges Archipelago, we'll slow down to observe colonies of sea lions and imperial cormorants basking on the rocky formations, with frequent sightings of gulls, rock cormorants, skuas, petrels, albatrosses, and cauquenes. The cruise offers breathtaking views of the city and the surrounding mountain range, along with informative stories about the local people and communities.

Alternatively, you can enjoy a leisurely day and meet in your hotel lobby at 3.00 pm for transfer to the pier to begin the embarkation process.

Once you're on board, you'll have some time to settle into your cabin before attending important mandatory briefings. As the ship departs from the port, we'll gather on deck to kick off this thrilling adventure with stunning views of Ushuaia and Tierra del Fuego.

In the evening, you'll have the opportunity to get to know your fellow expeditioners, as well as the friendly expedition team and crew, during a welcome dinner that marks the commencement of this exciting journey to Antarctica.

 | Neumayer Channel |  Antarctica
 | Cierva Cove | Leopard Seal
 | Scoresby Sund | Icebergs floating


Observe skuas hunting in penguin colonies.
Watch for diving whales, agile penguins, and resting seals.
See young penguins and amazing wildlife.
Take Zodiac rides to photograph glaciers and unique icebergs.


Sea Kayaking
Sea Kayaking
Under full instruction from your sea kayaking guide, experience true tranquillity as you paddle through clinking ice floes and realise the enormity of the surrounding scenery. Look out for breaching whales, lounging seals and penguins zipping alongside your kayak. Some experience is required.
Ice Camping
Ice Camping
Camp out on the ice and experience the silence which blankets the continent by night. This is your chance to completely connect with this ethereal ice world – wrap up warm and embrace the Antarctic elements.
Get a spring in your step when you slip on a pair of snowshoes in Antarctica. Enabling you to easily scale gentle slopes, this unique activity allows you to access hard to reach places and seek out the most impressive views.
Learn to capture wildlife and landscape shots in a small group photography program, including critiquing sessions and editing classes. Plus, Explorer Boat excursions with a dedicated photography expert on landings.
Explorer Boats
Explorer Boats
Achieve the best views and photographs from a forward facing Explorer Boats. They allow you to sit comfortably and securely while crackling through the ice-strewn waters. Look out for wildlife such as penguins, seals and whales as you cruise.
It doesn’t get more serene than complimentary yoga classes to the tune of glacial scenery. Join the most unique exercise setting in the world after a day of exploration. Classes are regular but are dependent on weather conditions and swell.
Antarctic Explorer Express | Map
From $11,695.00 Per person

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